I think I am, I think I am

"I think I can" Why you should be basing your life off nursery rhymes as an adult

The Little Engine That Could taught us that all it takes to accomplish something is to say “I think I can, I think I can”. Are you still living your life off the lessons you learned in nursery rhymes? You should be! "I think I can" Why you should be basing your life off nursery rhymes as an adult | Genpink

The truth of the matter is, you are what you think you are, you can do what you think you can do. If you start your day thinking you can’t do this-that-or-the-other chances are you will not create greatness in your day.

Negativity in your thoughts and focus create more negativity. If you spend a large part of your life whining and complaining you create a filter for yourself to watch for negative things in your life to complain about.

I’m not saying that everyone’s life is filled sunshine and butterflies. I have been through my fair share of tough times. At this stage in my life though, I choose to focus on the positive and start each day by saying “what can I do to make this day great.”

At the end of the day I feel accomplished and get to say “I thought I could, I thought I could.”

I’ve got a lot of big things in the works right now, both professionally and personally. All I can do is be my best and have faith in my self and know that I CAN!

4 thoughts on “I think I am, I think I am

  1. I think it is important to only concern yourself with the things you can influence too. Too many people get frustrated about things that they have no control over. Which I guess it kind of saying the same thing. Concentrate on what you CAN do not what you CAN’T.

  2. I have a poster of a turtle in my classroom, he says ” If you think you can, you can.” Ah the wisdom in turtles! :o)

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