Looking for a job? Take a page from @djwaldow’s book

In case you’ve missed the memo, in 2011 chances are you will not be offered the job of your dreams by submitting your resume to a generic resumes@bigcompany.com email address, or better yet faxing it to HR. *excuse me while I stop laughing long enough to regain my composure*

I’ll make this quick…

The short version is DJ Waldow is looking for a job. Although DJ, @djwaldow, may already be in high demand because of his internet stardom and history with a great company, he’s going about job hunting in a creative fashion.

Number 1: He asked for his contacts to make a 30 second video of why a company should hire him.

Number 2: He made an interactive video resume, talking through his work experience.

You can watch that and read all the details about what he’s looking for at http://ar.gy/hire. And that brings me to…

Number 3: He is asking for help in his search.

Like my mama always says “If you want to G.E.T. you have to A.S.K.”

Love it! I have no doubt a great company will snatch him up very soon, and I’d recommend taking DJ’s lead if you’re looking for new opportunities.