Author: Elisa Doucette

Elisa Doucette is a freelance writer based out of Portland, Maine. She is generally at her best sipping a beer with friends watching the Sox / Pats / Celtics / *Insert Kick Ass Sporting Team here* game or curled up with a book and coffee on the couch listening to jazz. She believes every problem in the world can be solved with a vicious game of rock, paper, scissors. You can also follow her on Twitter. (Yes, she realizes the irony of that last sentence.)

10 Ways To Stay Connected Without Facebook

This is the 4th post in December’s Top Tens in 2010 Series. This guest post was written by Elisa Doucette, freelance writer who lives in Portland, ME not to be confused with Portland, OR. For the month of November I participated in a little social media diet challenge in which I was only allowed to spend 30 […]

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