So in the last few weeks my free time has been abundant, I am between jobs. I have spent much of that time clearing out the books on my Kindle and books on my Good Reads List. Here are a few of the books that I loved this month:
A Lady’s Revenge by Tracey Devlyn
I am a real sucker for a cliche spy romance novel and this one was everything I wanted it to be. There was witty dialogue, just enough mystery that I wasn’t totally sure who the bad guy was from the beginning, and enough romance to be sweet. I really enjoyed reading this book by the side of the pool on my days off, it was a quick read and didn’t involve much thought or work to understand. If you have a beach trip in August or maybe a fun Labor Day weekend planned this is a great book to read.
I read (listened) to this book on my horrendously long drive to Florida, I borrowed this one from my dad. Over the years I have realized that for me I need a good spy novel to make the time fly by when I am driving long distances. This book had all of the right things: a bad guy (who I didn’t realize until almost the end), atomic bombs (always exciting), a little love story, and a real American hero. Now as with any good spy novel there are parts of this that are totally unbelievable but that’s ok I just need a story that is compelling enough to keep my interest throughout the entire story. I highly recommend this one if you like spy novels and enjoy trying to figure out how the hero is going to save us all from some sort of doom.
The Girls of Atomic City: The Untold Story of the Women Who Helped Win World War II
by Denise Kiernan
I cannot say enough fabulous things about this book, I loved reading the stories of women who worked at Oak Ridge (where Uranium was being enriched for the atomic bombs). These are women just like me who did their jobs and at times weren’t really sure what they were doing but for love and love of country they continued. This was a gripping read and at times it read more like fiction than nonfiction. I highly recommend this read to any and all women who want to know more about how women have been crucial to formation of so many parts of this country.
Image Sources: A Lady’s Revenge, Wild Fire, and Girls of Atomic City