Check out these exciting events going on at Mockingbird Station this month! For full details please visit Mockingbirdstation.com/events.
Shop For A Cause At Lavo Collections
Ongoing through Feb. 17, Suite 122
Today through February 17, if you spend $50 or more at Lavo Collections, you will receive a raffle ticket. Customers have the choice of donating it to one of the following charities: Snowball Express, North Texas Food Bank, and John S. Bradfiled Elementary school. After February 17, Lavo Collections will tally up the totals of each box and donate 5% of the total to the charity with the most raffle tickets. It’s the easiest way to contribute to a charity while looking cute!

Chinese New Year Etsy Fair At West Elm
Jan. 30, 6 to 9 p.m., Suite 100
Celebrate the Chinese New Year by making someone you love an extra thoughtful gift or one-of-a-kind piece at our mini-market of local Etsy vendors at West Elm in Mockingbird Station. The evening will feature an array of handmade gift ideas, accessory workshop, refreshments and more. While you’re there, enter our $5 raffle, benefitting Genesis Women’s Shelter, for a chance to win an amazing West Elm prize package.

Shed Those Post-Holiday Pounds At Relativity Outdoors
Every Monday, 6 p.m., Suite 170
Relativity Outdoors is starting back up its Monday social runs in January. Runners will meet at Relativity Outdoors and head over to the Katy Trail for a 3 to 6 mile jog. Participants will be treated to a 30 percent discount and free refreshments before and after the run. Race you there!
Get Recharged At Relativity Outdoors
Jan. 19, noon to 3 p.m., Suite 170
The Station’s unique adventure store, Relativity Outdoors, will host a Recharge At Relativity health event. The health-focused day will feature complimentary chair massages, energizing B-12 shots, advice and tips on staying healthy in 2014 and much more. More details to come!