Watch These Movie Festivals From Home!

Since we’re all practicing social isolation and quarantine for a while, don’t fret…. you can still catch new movies right at home while supporting local film makers!

Two video festivals from North Texas (Thin Line Fest in Denton, March 25-29 and Dallas VideoFest’s Alternative Fiction, April 3-5) are partnering up to bring you their annual event straight to your laptops and TVs this season. Instead of postponing the festivals, they are presenting the flicks online by creating live events with a portal for their audiences to interact with filmmakers without leaving their homes.



During the consecutive extended weekends of the Thin Line Festival and Dallas VideoFest’s AltFiction, movie lovers can go online and watch great films at specific times. Like traditional film festivals, there will be questions and answers and intros to the films from hosts and from the filmmakers, but these will be done on digitally. Plus, they’ll be viewable later online. Audiences can ask questions from the filmmakers and have them answered in real-time.

Don’t miss some of these exciting flicks!





For more details and updates on film schedules, click here.