What was the last goal I set? Well, I’m currently in the middle of working towards this goal but it is to run the Dallas Marathon and finish with a time that qualifies me to enter the 2016 Boston Marathon. Most people I tell this goal to have a similar reaction of, “wow, good for you! I could never do that!” Then they wonder why I stick with it and how I stay motivated. The answer to those questions is the exact definition of a Six:02 moment. A moment in time where you feel inspired to accomplish an individual goal.
While I rarely lose control of my emotions, especially in front of others, the moment I saw the finish line of my first marathon I was overcome with joy, accomplishment, confidence, excitement, exhaustion and relief. It was the best mix of overwhelming emotions I couldn’t control and I loved it. That Six:02 moment is what keeps me going & motivated on the runs I don’t want to go on, for the happy hours I have to skip to get a run in and for the cookies I have to turn down (this is a hard one!)
So when I recently was introduced to the Six:02 team and asked to help promote their inaugural ‘It’s Your Time- Six:02 6K I was already on board before they asked! One of my favorite things is not only having my own moment but also helping others to work towards achieving theirs. Encouraging each other and building up other’s goals is something as women we should all be doing.
So, who’s ready to have their Six:02 moment? Register today for the It’s Your Time-Six:02 6K here!
P.S. Just because we’re getting’ our sweat on doesn’t mean you can’t wear cute clothes! Six:02 has cutest running gear for women! Check out my outfit style montage!

Comment below and tell GenPink what your Six:02 Moment is: