
Closing that resume gap

If you are unemployed and actively looking for a new job, it may feel frustrating. However, there are some activities you can engage in while not carrying on a full-time job. The two ideas below are great additions to add to your resume and can help close that gap if you’ve been unemployed for a […]

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Ten Ways to Deal with Unemployment

This guest post was written by Lauren Fernandez, known around the interwebz (particularly twitter) as @cubanalaf. Lauren is a PR rockstar and runs a very popular twitter chat for under 30 professionals (#u30pro – check it out). Recently Lauren touched on the topic of Unemployment on her blog with The Unemployment Diaries, this is a […]

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Gen Y: Waking Up Unemployed?

Unemployment – the "u-word" as I’m seeing it referred to in the headlines of my google reader is touching the lives of several Gen Yers in my social sphere. Last week we had a dinner with all of my graphic design friends and one of the girls at dinner told us not only was she laid off but her whole company was closing down. So the question to ask here is what’s a girl to do?

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Twenty Something Advice: Always Second Guess but Never Regret

I’ve had a number of responses to the quest for guest bloggers for my weekly Twenty Something Advice series. This guest post was written by a 20SB who blogs at Nothing to Show But This Brand New Tattoo * * * * I’m a middle aged woman trapped in a twenty-seven year olds body. I […]

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