Year: 2008

Are you freakin’ kidding me??

Yes, it’s Christmas and yes I am on a rant! Before I go there let me just say, today was lots of fun, just got back to our hotel room. For those of you don’t follow me on twitter – I’m in Kentucky (long way from TX home) with the fam. We are staying in […]

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Best of 2008: GenPink 2.0

Happy Holidays! At the end of the year I like to look back at all that I’ve accomplished, all that has changed and all that is yet to come. This has been a great year for me personally, professionally & developmentally. If I had to sum up this year for me in one word it […]

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I wish you a Pink Christmas

In this case the word pink can be taken literally & figuratively … literally: I love pink so a Pink Christmas would be quite fun figuratively: pink can just represent happiness :) I’m embarking on a 12+ hour drive from Texas to Kentucky with the fam so I’m sure my Christmas will be entertaining to […]

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Yum Saturday: Holiday Edition

It’s been a while since I did any food/cooking related posts and I figure since it is the weekend before Christmas (crazy) I would do a little round-up of some recipes that sounds ohh so yummy to me. Recipes: Crispy Chrismas Sashimi Turkey White Chili Christmas Breakfast Sausage Casserole Peanut Butter M&M Cookies Applesauce Pie […]

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Gen Y: Waking Up Unemployed?

Unemployment – the "u-word" as I’m seeing it referred to in the headlines of my google reader is touching the lives of several Gen Yers in my social sphere. Last week we had a dinner with all of my graphic design friends and one of the girls at dinner told us not only was she laid off but her whole company was closing down. So the question to ask here is what’s a girl to do?

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I heart Etsy!

Etsy = Love My favorite Etsy Sellers: This is a screen shot of my etsy favorite so sorry their profile’s aren’t linkable. Are you an Etsy seller? Who are your favs? Leave some linkages in the comments! PS- I found etsy on twitter yesterday @etsy. And if you’re in the Dallas area there is an […]

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Internet Schizophrenia

I’ve been having a debate for a while about personal vs professional internet presence. The question has been whether to combine my professional internet self with my personal or to create a two separate “worlds” if you will. Let’s explain: Facebook: Do I want someone I meet at a networking event to be friends with […]

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Age of Awareness: Obama & Gen Y

According to the Associated Press, two-thirds of Gen Y supported Obama. Why? Because from a communication perspective, Obama and his campaign understood how to engage and motivate what is essentially an emerging new “tribe” in our society — not based on race, age or gender — but on possessing a radically different worldview that has […]

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Power of Declaration

Just 3 short days ago I made a declaration that I was planning on participating in NaBloPoMo this month. When I made this declaration I was caught up in the excitement of starting a new series and didn’t consider the depth of this commitment. As an entrepreneur my work load tends to have an ebb […]

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Naked for November because Content is King

November 1st marks the beginning of National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo), which for those of you who don’t know is a tradition for bloggers to commit to posting everyday for the month of November. I have found having a theme or a series helps me to create multiple days in a row. I had a […]

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