Author: Real Posh Mom

Jennifer is social media consultant for Social B. She's a wife, mom & coffee aficionado. Jennifer is a resource for websites on the subject of faith, family, food & fashion. She blogs at and She's also known as @RealPoshMom on Twitter.

Meet the Ladies : Jennifer @realposhmom

In honor of the new genpink redesign (OH you’ve been reading via RSS and haven’t noticed?) we are introducing new and existing contributors to genpink. Let’s get started: Jennifer Buxton Coffee or tea? COFFEE – it’s the breakfast of champions!   Best advice for life in your twenties in 5 words? Always fight for your dreams.   […]

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10 Signs You Might Be a Xenophile

This guest post was written by Jennifer Buxton, a social media consultant living in Dallas (yep that’s how we met!), who is a wife, mom, world traveler and coffee aficionado. Not necessarily in that order. Xenophile [zen-uh-fahyl, zee-nuh-] noun. A person attracted to that which is foreign, especially to foreign peoples, manners or cultures. Having traveled the world and […]

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