Author: sneha

When she’s not at work in the 9 to 5 world, Sneha is a writer, amateur photographer, traveler, and fanatic of coffee and chocolate. She blogs about work, health, money, self development and a hodgepodge of other favorite topics over at Sneha is always is open to your thoughts, questions, positive comments and guest posting opportunities. Contact her at and follower her on Twitter, @twiterrific84.
Four interesting things to add to your "before 30" list

Four interesting things to add to your “before 30” list

Since Genpink’s launch in 2007, we’ve had several guest contributors. This post was created by Sneha. She’s sharing four things her on things to do before 30 list. Although I have many things on my to-do list over a lifetime, I wanted to narrow it down to the top 4  that I would like to accomplish […]

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Meet the Ladies: Sneha @twiterrific84

In honor of the new genpink redesign (OH you’ve been reading via RSS and haven’t noticed?) we are introducing new and existing contributors to genpink. Let’s get started: Sneha Coffee or tea? Coffee. 1 cup a day keeps me going.   Best advice for life in your twenties in 5 words? Live the life you […]

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Donate, dispose, and de-clutter: Tips from a Girl on the Move

In a previous entry, I mentioned that I’m making a few changes in my life. One of them involves a change of scenery. In other words, I’ll be moving soon – in fact in a just a couple weeks. I want to stay close to the places and people that I enjoy the most so […]

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