Author: Tina Poe

I live in Austin, Texas with my storyboard artist and illustrator husband David Poe and our furry child Mojito Poe. I live to create art and make plants grow. I might be a workaholic, because along side freelance illustrating, I keep busy running a small design shop called Creative Bees Design Studio. David and I run a unique illustrated portrait company called Red Tie Studios™. I have also started an etsy shop called BeeDelighted.

V is for Vacation

Stress, quarterlife crisis, balance, career, family … how do we handle everything that we are trying to juggle in our lives? One word … vacation. Vacation can be a 2 hour picnic in the park or a 2 day roadtrip. Even if you don’t have the time (or finances) to take a 7 day cruise […]

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