How To Impress Your Interviewers On Your First Job Interview

As we find ourselves in a time of economic hardship, interviews mean more now than ever. You are competing against a higher number of people who also are likely to have a higher level of qualification than normal, because of the high unemployment rates. This means that you need to impress your interviewer in a unique and powerful way in order to set yourself apart from the rest. In order to do so, take a look at the following tips that will help you to land the job of your dreams.



Polish Your Resume

Before even applying for the position you want, make sure that your resume is up to date, and looking it’s best. You want to make sure that your resume is easy to read and highlights the experience that would be most beneficial on the job that you are applying for. This will help potential employers to clearly see why you would be a great hire. Also, it is important that you pay attention to the layout and organization of your resume. If your font is too small or everything is too close together, some resume reviewers may even skip your resume without giving it any sort of attention.

Dress The Part

After you have locked in that first interview, make sure that you dress in a professional manner. Even if you are applying for a minimum wage position, it is important to come to your interview looking polished and in business casual attire. This will show that you are serious about the job for which you are inquiring. Not only should your clothes reflect professionalism, but also your level of hygeine. Make sure you are showered, clean-toothed, and hair in order. Everything about your look should scream professional.

Rehearse Potential Questions

In order to seem prepared and confident, try to think of some questions that you are likely to be asked during your interview. Prepare some answers to these questions, so you will seem quick on your feet and well spoken. It is also a good idea to have some anecdotes on hand about previous job situations in which you have handled a difficult problem, exemplified a positive quality, or learned something new.


Research The Company You Are Interviewing With

It is common for interviewers to ask you why the company you are applying to appealed to you. In order to answer this question you will need to know a little something about the company. First, this will give you insight to how your skills can specifically benefit the company you hope to work for. Secondly, if you are up to date on the news of the company, you will give the impression that you are truly interested in the company and also that you are well-versed in what’s happening in the news.

No matter what you do during your interview, always act professionally, and try to leave a positive lasting impression.


(Author Pam Johnson is a career counselor who helps her clients for the interviews in the fields she suggests for them. She obtained one of many Online Career Counseling Degrees.)

2 thoughts on “How To Impress Your Interviewers On Your First Job Interview

  1. This gets you above the curve. However, when everyone else is doing the same amount of research, polish, and rehearsal, another technique I use to stand out is to bring a portfolio of your work. This works outside of the creative and fashion industry as well. If you’re a data analyst, bring a print out (jazz it up and print it on nice paper) of your latest charts. Behind that work experience listed on your resume are actual work products you’ve made. Find a way to take an action shot, screen capture the work, etc. and make it into something tangible you can bring ot the interview.

  2. As an employer, I would also say that anytime you are going to come in contact with your potential employer, for any reason, dress professionally. I know you can’t anticipate running into them in the grocery store. However, I had a potential employee come in to sign paperwork after an interview and she wore completely inappropriate clothing for the job even though she was just signing something, it made me less likely to actually give her the job. Also, when people were dropping off their resumes, they should not come in in sweats! Drop off your resume as though you were going to have an interview right that minute.

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