Instalove: April 2013 part one

april instagram photos from genpink

I decide this month to attempt a photo a day Instagram Challenge. This challenge #LuvSoFab has some great prompts. I’m finding more and more I’m documenting my life on Instagram. So, I decided if I’m going to challenge myself in May to take a themed photo every day why not share some of my past Instagram photos here just for fun.

I started going through my April photos to pick my favs and quickly discovered there are tooooooo many favorites. So I’m breaking April up into multiple posts. Perhaps I’ll do this every week or so for May. And so first question, are you following me on Instagram? And second question, do you round-up your IG photos somewhere for a more permanent home?

Here’s my life through the lens of my iPhone! And explanation of the randomness below.

april instagram photos from genpink

  1. some people park like jerks
  2. it’s comical how much I love kraft mac&cheese
  3. my friend Kendall is always the hostess with the mostest, even when guests pop by unexpectedly
  4. as a procrastination from doing my taxes I bough pretty file folders from Tuesday Morning (FTC requires me to say that TM is one of my clients)
  5. my husband is an awesome cook. this shrimp something was really yum. and then we accidentally left the leftovers out over night
  6. happy moment random weekday lunch/brunch with my dad
  7. I bought a mannequin off craigslist in hopes it would motivate me to take pics of my clothes to sell on poshmark (clothes are sorted haven’t photo’d yet)
  8. seriously, sonic sweet potato tater tots are really good
  9. there’s this lovely duck pond that I’m looking forward to spending more time walking around
  10. when I’m not taking pictures of food I take pictures of outside of restaurants (hello Twisted Root Burger)
  11. I’m not very good at selfless
  12. apparently people of instagram like pictures of starbucks at night time
  13. I always put my shoes back in the shoe holder wrong and then the flowers get all sad
  14. I take lots of pictures of my cat. and random people complain about instagrammers and all their cat photos. yet never fails I get more likes on my cat photos than my “regular” life ones
  15. I am still convinced I need these bright weights from Target
  16. I usually work from home but sometimes I work from nearby coffee shops. Contrary to my photos, Starbucks is actually not my first choice.
  17. my college roomie (and lovely lady who illustrated the GenPink girls) turned 30 this month so I was forced to find silly photos of us
  18. hey look another one of the cat. he was staring at the door waiting for Rory to come home.
  19. speaking of Rory, we went on a vineyard tour (Blessing of the Vines) for our anniversary!
  20. overall there were 7 wineries, we were excited that the Vineyard where we got married was one of the stops! happy one year to us.

My username on Instagram is genpink. Leave yours in the comments and I’ll follow you!

2 thoughts on “Instalove: April 2013 part one

  1. Awesome! Loved the comments for the photos, but maybe I am a little prejudice toward my most favorite lady.

  2. I put all my photos from instagram into Dropbox, that way no matter where I am I can get to them when needed. :) Oh and my IG is @juliaprior, though I think you’re already following me! And for the record, I love your kitty photos.

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