Mother’s Day is always a happy day I enjoy spending with my mom. I look forward to it each year because my mom has a permanent smile on her face the whole day and I think that is my favorite part. Admittedly, I usually rush over to the mall the day before we get together and grab a gift of some sort. Typically, because I am right there presenting her with the gift, a Mother’s Day card is not something I include in her gift. I’m there in person to tell her some funny Mother’s Day quote or joke. This year will be different. Recently I moved a few states away for a new job, so this year will be our first year apart for Mother’s Day. This throws a whole wrench into my well-oiled mother’s day gift machine! I’m going to need to plot and plan a little more than in past years. How can I make my mom feel special and make up for the fact that I can’t be around her to celebrate the day?
This lead me to think about something she did for me recently that made me feel special and made my day. It was a small gesture but had a big impact. She knew I was pretty stressed planning my big move and job change. Recently discovering Hallmark’s new Sarah Jessica Parker collection of stationary, she decided to send me a little note to say how proud her and my step-dad were of me and that she admired my drive and fearlessness. Believe me, there’s nothing like hearing that from your mom. The card means so much and is so cute, I have it framed. I want to return the favor to my mom for Mother’s Day.
So, if you are not able to be with your mom on mother’s day or are just wanting to do something different than the same old candle or book, then here’s a gift idea that I think will make any mom’s heart melt.
How Hallmark Can Help You with a Long-Distance Mother’s Day
Step 1: Sign up for the Hallmark Rewards program (if you haven’t already) before you go to the store because anytime & anywhere you buy Hallmark products, you will get points that you can later use at Hallmark Gold Crown stores. Every 5 cards you buy, you will earn a reward! I’ll use mine for Christmas ornaments this year!
Anyway, head over to your favorite store to get the perfect Mother’s Day card of your choice. I went over to Walmart to get my card because they typically have a large selection and are just a hop-skip & jump away from where I live.

Step 2: Get at least 5 Thank You notes while you’re at the store. That’s right, Thank You notes. Let go of all that hard work you did as a kid trying to deliberately not tell your mom thank you because that’s exactly the plan here!
I chose these adorable Sarah Jessica Parker Collection Thank You’s because that’s what my mom originally sent me and where this idea sparked from anyway. However, if you and your mom do not have an SJP obsession, any Thank You’s will work!
Step 3: 6 total cards will be mailed. 5 Thank You cards and 1 Mother’s Day card. In this step you will need to find 5 things to put or write inside your cards. I decided on a combination of a quote, some pictures, a gift card and a funny inside joke between my mom and me. Be thinking of when you want all of these things to arrive to your mom, if you plan to send one card each day of the week prior to Mother’s Day. However, if your mom has a fancy letter opener she needs to put to use, then mailing everything all to arrive on the same day would be a special surprise too! My mom doesn’t have a letter opener and has a fear of paper cuts, so I’m choosing to space mine out – sending them one day apart. Below is how I will send out my cards.

Step 4: Organize all your cards and momentos to be ready to mail each day!
This post is part of the #collectivebias campaign for Hallmark #MotherDayCards selection and is a campaign I’m excited to be a part of. Sending cards is a way my mom has always made me feel special. So I’m excited to return the favor in order to make her have a happy mother’s day even though I can’t be there with her in person.
Make sure you check out connectionsfromhallmark.com to sign up for Hallmark Rewards, and to see great content from other bloggers. Join in the #MothersDayCards conversation on Twitter!
How are you planning on celebrating your mom for Mother’s Day this year?
That is so cool!
What a great idea! I love the Thank You card approach…so sweet! And who doesn’t love SJP? I think it’s time to visit my local Hallmark store! :-) Stopping by via the Not-a-Mom blogger FB group. Cheers!
jennartistwriter Thank you so much! Really hoping my momma bear likes it :)
What a great idea! Totally going to send these to my momma starting today!
Great tip! Thank you.
SarahArg Let me know how your mom likes it!! I’m going to start dropping off my cards starting Sunday!
This sounds like a great idea! I bet your mom is going to love receiving the cards! #client
themommyfiles She was blown away by it actually. Really loved getting the cards each day (well, the mail man grouped them together and delivered 2 every other day but it still worked). She just LOVED the SJP thank you cards. :)
Ashpow05 my mom loved it, actually wrote me a thank you card in return! I did 5 different designed thank you cards and one main mothers day card. Each card was something that I admired about her or was thankful for (her uplifting spirit, continuous support, material things that don’t matter, unconditional love, and her willingness to help others). She cried :)