Meet the Ladies: Olivia @twowandering

In honor of the new genpink redesign (OH you’ve been reading via RSS and haven’t noticed?) we are introducing new and existing contributors to genpink. Let’s get started:

Olivia McDaniel

Coffee or tea?

coffee in the morning; tea in the afternoon.

Best advice for life in your twenties in 5 words?

be smart. have adventures. love.

Favorite quote:

“some of the most life-shaping decisions you make in this season will be about walking away from good-enough, in search of can’t-live-without.”
it’s from a book i haven’t even read (Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist) but i saw it somewhere at the beginning of this year and it kind of rocked my world.

What makes you different?

i make up songs about my cats. i simply cannot pass up thrift stores or aquariums. i have to eat popeye’s at the airport before i leave the country. my favorite wheel of fortune category is before & after. i wish i could have a wedding every single year. i like frogs and lizards and football but i also like pretty shoes and nail polish and gossip girl. i love road trips and i put tabasco on everything.

Favorite pink thing?

hello kitty. does that count?

If we were to buy you a present where should we look?

anthropologie for gifty things; free people for clothesy things; travelocity for plane tickety things.