February is almost through, and that means 10 more months of keeping up with your 2013 resolutions- new and old! One resolution you can always work on is saving money – and Reliant is offering you and your readers five easy tips to do just that. Who says resolutions need to start in January? Use these tips and make a resolution to start saving money today!
Don’t buy what you don’t need
Seems simple enough, but how many cans of food in your pantry do you need? Try not to use every coupon or discount you find and only buy products for the week. This will save your pantry space and save money.
Bundle services, save time
Excited about moving into a new place, but not so excited about the dozen calls to get up and running? Check the Reliant Move Center where customers seamlessly connect electricity, TV, phone and internet service- with a single phone call.
Can you wait 30 days?
With every large financial decision, it helps to sit back and think about it for 30 days. If you can’t live without the product or service after 30 days, then the purchase will be worth it! If you forgot about it, forget about it.
Take advantage of the sweet deals and steals
What’s the best thing about a baker’s dozen? When the baker throws in an extra just because. Reliant took a page out of the baker’s manual and is currently offering customers their latest plan, Sweet Deal. Customers can sign up for a 12-month plan and will receive the 13th month free. Now that’s a sweet deal!
Save energy, save money
Energy conservation is easier than you think. Use a programmable thermostat, this device will cut your energy bill by 10 to 20 percent*. Better yet, consider Reliant’s Learn and Conserve Plan that comes with a Nest learning thermostat. Remember to turn out the lights in rooms not occupied and use compact florescent light bulbs. They use 75 percent less energy than traditional incandescent light bulbs. **
(This is a guest article from the folks at Reliant Energy.)