
This and That: Superbowl, Etsy, Sushi, Love, Blogging and Birthdays

So, the Superbowl is in Dallas this weekend. The weather in Dallas also looked like this yesterday: Several of my friends had off work yesterday/today for a snow day. I however, did not. Because a) I work from home (can’t stop me mr. evil winter weather muahaha) b) my company is based out of sunny […]

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Ten Ways to Rock Being Location Independent

This is the 13th post in December’s Top Tens in 2010 Series. This guest post was written by my long term online and offline friend Ryan Paugh. Ryan is one of those people that I can say “he’s just as awesome offline as he is online.” Ryan is a co-founder of an ever-growing network of career […]

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Where Ideas Are Your Resume: Brazen Careerist

Where Ideas Are Your Resume: Brazen Careerist

I mentioned in my previous post that today is the launch of the new and improved and shiny version of Brazen Careerist. I’m so excited for them that I decided I need to pass on some of their big media mentions: Fast Company: Brazen Careerist Launch: Twitter meets Facebook meets LinkedIn meets Gen Y… and […]

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Genpink :: Why I blog in my PJs

Why I Blog in My Pajamas – vlog

Hi my name is Elysa, and I’m a 3rd generation night owl! Nice to meet ya! It’s officially Tuesday, August 25th (1:40 am to be exact) and do you know what that means?! You should … today is the launch of Brazen Careerist. The cliff-notes version: Team Brazen is beyond awesome according to me (oh […]

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Do you demi-task? // The problem with multitasking

Do you demi-task?

I learned a new word today: demi-task Jody Gilbert at TechRepublic asks, “Do you listen 100 percent of the time or are you usually mentally engaged in several things at once?”. In her article 10 great ideas from five great bosses Jody states: Top dogs know that nobody can multitask effectively over the long haul. […]

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Asking the Right Questions

While I was in Austin for SXSW I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Ben Smithee of Spych Research. Since somehow it’s the middle of April already and south by was a month ago (crazy!) I forgot that I hadn’t seen the end results. That was … until I got a text message last […]

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A Whole Nutha Level: Friendfeed & Twitter Combined

Let me first preface this post with an apology for what will be a bit jargony of a blog post. I happen to be a pretty geeky/tech-savvy/ computer nerd kinda girl and I try to keep my geek love underwraps on this blog. But I wanted to share a combination I’ve worked out tonight to […]

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Twenty Something Advice: Get Things Done for the Right Reasons

As I sit here on a Thursday afternoon, using my break time from working to “work” on my blog I find the subject of this guest post ironically laughable. This guest post was written by David Giesberg, a fellow Brazen Careerist, who is currently an engineering student. David blogs about technology, productivity, and personal finance. […]

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I is for Identity

i·den·ti·ty noun 1. The collective aspect of the set of characteristics by which a thing is definitively recognizable or known. 2. The distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity; individuality. The struggle of finding who you are is very common in your twenties. Trying to fit into the career world is a […]

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Working Together

When I was first contacted a while back about joining a new network (I’ll tell you about it in a second) that would be launching soon, I was beyond excited. I have always loved to be part of a community. I like feeling like I am a part of something bigger. This is one of […]

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