That which I have been avoiding talking about

Since this blog is more of an informative type blog, than a personal blog, you may not have noticed that I have been avoiding a topic. I am still avoiding my insight into the topic but I figure at least for now I can tell you that my blogging buddy Zandria did a great job summing up the topic which I have been avoiding. Do you stay or do you go?

I chose GO! Three years, my heart, my soul and a gorgeous diamond ring all over. As Meredith would say “It’s over … so over.”

13 thoughts on “That which I have been avoiding talking about

  1. elysa, you are a brave brave woman and i really admire that. here is to your amazing future and all of the great things that await you! x

  2. Obviously, I don’t know the story, but I’ve read your comment on Michelle’s blog. I admire you for being so strong.

  3. Wow, Elysa. On one hand I want to say, “That’s awesome!” On the other hand I want to say, “I’m sorry.” I think there has to be a little bit of both in there, right?

    The informative blog vs. the personal blog kind of sounds better and better every day. I’m really not all that interesting, but there are THINGS out there that are interesting. :)

  4. almost exactly a year ago i did the same thing. 3.5 years, my heart, my soul, and a gorgeous ring, and i gave them all up too. i’m hurting for you. :(

  5. I’m in such awe of your strength and bravery… how many people would choose “stay” just because it’s easier in the short term? Too many. I’m sorry for the pain I’m sure you’re feeling and I hope you get through the darkest part soon.

  6. My best friend chose GO was really hard, but sometimes you just KNOW it’s the right thing. It’s a good thing in life to be able to trust your own judgment, even when that choice hurts so much.

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