The Photoshop Diet

Who needs a diet when we have Photoshop?

Photoshoping A Big Girl into A Model – Watch more free videos

The way I see it, I have Photoshop, I know how to use it, therefore I should not have to cut down (or is it cut back) on eat less Macaroni.

GenGreen – Electronics : How to Green Your Electronics – "Being green with electronics doesn’t mean living in a teepee listening to truckers squalk on the old short-wave. Greening your electronics is a matter of knowing what tech to get, how to use it best, and what to do with it when its useful life is done."
How to Green Your Electronics via

3 thoughts on “The Photoshop Diet

  1. on the green-ness: switching to LED or to compact flourescent light bulbs is one of the easiest things you can do — they pay for themselves pretty quickly with electricity bill savings and they last extra long. it also makes a huge difference if you unplug electronics when you’re not using them!!! they still draw a current even if they’re not turned on! super easy! get on it!

  2. @olivia – I knew you’d be excited by the addition of GenGreen, I hope you at least watched this crazy photoshop work

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