Using Technology to Give: Girls for a Change

The following is a post sponsored by Yahoo! Every time someone clicks here to make Yahoo! their homepage, they’re showing their support for Girls For A Change.

I was selected for this opportunity by Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

Today, my teenage brother left for a two week trip with his boyscouts troup. They will be (well are currently in route) traveling via bus for many hours and will spend several days backpacking, bonding, and I’m sure having fun. Last night sitting at dinner with him and his friend, I was looking at him thinking about what life was like at that age. It’s hard to believe that I’ve become one of those people that says “when I was in high school…”.

Don’t worry, I don’t have any walking in the snow up-hill stories, but I do think times have changed.

In a matter of a few hours, I can real-time chat with my friend in England on Facebook, text with my friend in Boston, receive photos from another friend on the beach, all the while I’m sitting in my living room. With one tweet, text, or Facebook status I can complain about traffic or I can make a difference in someone’s life. I love that Yahoo is doing this initiative with Girls for a Change, that “all” I have to do is change my browser homepage and I can contribute to the Girls for a Change cause.

In the last few months I have used a text-to-give number to donate to Red Cross, written a blog post (and then promoted the heck out of it!) to help a friend reunite with her long-distance family, and donated clothes to a local girl who needed a fitting wardrobe for her first internship. I love how technology makes giving so easy these days. You can donate time, money, encouragement and so much more.

What is the most unique way you’ve used technology to give?

DON’T forget to change your browser!! Pass it along.

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