Month: January 2010

25 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Every Sunday

In the fast paced world that is microblogging and social media there are numerous blog posts, articles and various links posted every minute. There are a multitude sites you can browse most popular links shared, but even then the chance of catching all of the great content is pretty unlikely. I was lucky yesterday to […]

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Proud as a Peacock

Proud as a peacock … Those are the words that my mother sent back to me in an email this afternoon when I asked her to check out the blog post my boss had written about me. Yes, I did say my boss blogs… she blogs a lot actually. I could tell you about my […]

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Best of 2009: You Tell Me

I’ve seen numerous Best Ofs lists floating around. It’s kind of a tradition for a new year. Unfortunately usually these Best Ofs are very self promotery. So I wanna play it different. Share a few Best Of from 2009 that are not yours (and maybe 1 that is in the spirit of being good at […]

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