
ABCs: Everything I need to know about life I learned in my twenties.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying people teach what they want to learn. The past month for me has been facilitating what I wanted to learn. By coming up with what I saw to be the major areas of life that twentysomethings deal with, and then asking for the community to contribute I’ve learned so […]

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Z is for Zen

High strung, stressed out, overworked … do any of these words describe your life? If so you need a little zen. Zen is not something that comes naturally, or easy for us ladder climbing ambitious types but it is certainly something that is necessary to keep the balance. This guest post was written by Leo […]

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Y is for Young

I would say that one of my biggest lessons in my twenties has been that the cliche “age is just a number” is all a game of perception. Your age can be a limitation if you allow it. I find that sometimes I fall into the false perceptions of society that I need to earn […]

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X is for eXtreme

This series has been written about the ABCs of life in your twenties. And many great people have contributed and provided great insight to what life for a twenty-something is like these days. What I have not pointed out much though (this may go without saying), is that I am always talking about the twentysomethings […]

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W is for Wage

There are a few people who I would consider to be big names in writing specifically about Gen Y, Rebecca Thorman is one of those names. On her blog Modite, Rebecca gives advice to “navigate beyond the line of work and play.” Rebecca will be sharing her career advice today on a topic that is […]

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V is for Vacation

Stress, quarterlife crisis, balance, career, family … how do we handle everything that we are trying to juggle in our lives? One word … vacation. Vacation can be a 2 hour picnic in the park or a 2 day roadtrip. Even if you don’t have the time (or finances) to take a 7 day cruise […]

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U is for Understanding Yourself

If I had to sum up what the twenties are really, truly about I’d say it’s a phase of discover, a time to really understand ourselves. The quarterlife crisis, and a large part of the stress all stem back to the issue of discovering our identity. For me during all of my young years I […]

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T is for Thankful

I think there are several factors that make our twenties a time of being thankful. I actually think that it is the stress and major life changes that we are all going through that make us stop and realize what really matters in our lives. The last few years with every challenging time I was […]

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S is for Stress

Just thinking about the word stress makes me feel stressed. Ryan Healy of Employee Evolution does a great job sheding a new light on what stress looks like for us 20somethings. This guest post was written by Ryan Healy, a twentysomething who speaks with companies, organizations and students on a variety of career related topics. […]

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R is for Relationships :: ABCs of Life in Your 20s

R is for Relationships :: ABCs of Life in Your 20s

One of my favorite parts of running this ABC series has been choosing the guest writers for each post. When I decided to have R be for Relationship, I knew I wanted someone who could write about all aspects of relationships – family, friends, work, as well as dating. The first definition of the term […]

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