This post is part of our latest series, “5 Reasons You Should Guest Blog.” If you would like to submit guest post please see the details here, and the deadline to email us is 3/1/2014.
The post below was submitted by Zuzka Light, the leading fitness personality on YouTube.
Whether you have your own workout routine or a personal trainer, it gets tough to stick to your workout during the winter. After all, the short days and cold nights discourage us from being outdoors or even going to the gym. Here are some quick fitness tips to help you stick to your workout and stay fit through the winter.
1) Don’t forget your morning cup of Jo!
Coffee helps us to kick start our day every morning. Coffee, as well as green tea, can also kick start your workout too! Coffee acts as a mild stimulant that enhances performance and allows you to go beyond you normal stopping point. The caffeine is also known to prevent skin cancer along with other types of cancer. Start drinking 4 ounces of coffee or tea before a workout and you will notice a difference. Make sure that it isn’t the fancy coffee drinks you find at Starbucks or elsewhere. Those dessert drinks are calorie packed and full of sugar and can actually slow you down.
2) Switch it up
The same workout can become very mundane after a while, which leads to not working out at all. My online ZGYM at ZuzkaLight.com has a huge selection of workouts to keep your routine fresh and new. Re-invent yourself! Find an activity that you have always wanted to try but never got around to doing like yoga. No matter what it is make sure that you are enjoying yourself while getting fit.
3) Avoid Binge Eating
Try not to eat just for the sake of eating. Make sure that you are drinking plenty of water. It not only helps us feel full, but staying hydrated makes us less inclined to feel hungry. If you want to treat yourself to chips or cookies every once in a while, that is fine, but don’t do it everyday. Remember, everything in moderation is the key!
4) Exercise at Home
We already spend much of our time in front of the TV during winter. Why not get in 30 minutes of exercise in at the same time? Staying active inside will help keep you happy and motivated through the season! I recommend investing in a couple small pieces of equipment such as kettlebell or a jump rope. Try my new ZCUT Kettlebell Start Beginner Series or my Zropes Jump Rope DVD.
5) Exercise Your Mind
The mind is what controls our every move. 10 minutes of simple meditation will help to increase brain function, reduce stress, and even reduce the risk of a heart attack! I recommend finding a form of meditation that is suitable for your lifestyle and beliefs whether that be chanting, praying, or simply breathing. Mindfulness Meditation is increasingly popular and relatively simple, but, by no means, the only method to choose from.
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